Professor e Pesquisador PPGEE convidado para equipe de transição do Governo
O Professor Doutor Carlos Renato Lisboa Francês da FCT e do PPGEE foi convidado para compor a equipe de transição do novo governo
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O Professor Doutor Carlos Renato Lisboa Francês da FCT e do PPGEE foi convidado para compor a equipe de transição do novo governo
Veja a matéria completa aqui
O Conselho Federal de Engenharia e Agronomia (CONFEA/CREA), laureou a Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria Emília de Lima Tostes (Emilia Tostes), com a Medalha do Mérito, pelos seus relevantes serviços prestados à Engenharia no Brasil.
O grupo de pesquisa "Fotônica e Óptica não-linear" que é coordenado pelo prof. Dr. Marcos Benedito Caldas Costa, publicou no dia 21 de julho o artigo intitulado: "Prototype of a sensor for simultaneous monitoring of water level and temperature of rivers in the Amazon using FBG" na revista Optical and Quantum Electronics.
Para acessar o artigo clique aqui
Virtual reality (VR) is taking a front seat in training, healthcare, and creative art, allowing new experiences and interactive applications to be created in a fully immersive environment. Capturing user attention is a key element for future VR development especially for personalised VR applications that can automatically adapt to user characteristics and social VR where people can interact and participate in shared activities with emotions.
In the past few years, we have had a series of projects on capturing and modelling human attention in VR. Our research shows that eye gaze and body movements share a pivotal role in capturing human perception, intent, and experience. We believe that VR is more than a computerised environment with fancy graphics. With the help of biometric sensors and machine learning, VR can become the best persuasive technology known to human-computer interaction (HCI) designers. In a recent project, we demonstrated how machine learning can be automated to improve visitors' experience in a VR art exhibition without any prior knowledge of the artwork. We are also exploring how the VR and AI can enable automated assessment and treatment of mental illness in a remote location, e.g., in patients’ own homes. This will ultimately help democratising mental health care.
In this talk, Dr Mu from Technology will give an overview of our latest research and exciting student projects on attention-aware VR designs.