The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering of the Federal University of Pará (PPGEE / UFPA) is characterized by strong interaction with the companies / industries that operate in the region. Because of this strong relationship, the PPGEE forms a framework for the main institutions operating in the Amazon. Thus, the main indicators of this relationship can be highlighted:
Activity: With the job market
Objective: Training of Qualified Labor
Context: Annually, training of dozens of professionals of the main companies that work in the region, such as: VALE, ELETRONORTE, CELPA, ALBRAS / ALUNORTE. Annually, dozens of RD&I projects with regional and national companies, from which it is possible to: form a human resources framework, transfer knowledge and technology and develop products / processes for such companies. In the triennium 2010/2012, 20 patents / requests for protection in projects in partnership with companies. In the current triennium there is already the request for another 05 patents.
Public: Private, Mixed Economy, Teaching and Research Institutions
Innovative experience:
(X) Yes () No
Funding / Incentive: CAPES, CNPq
Activity: With civil society
Objective: Development of several projects / actions that have a strong direct impact on the society in which the PPGEE is inserted. They can be highlighted, for example: (a) NAVEGAPARÁ - Program of Integration and Digital Inclusion of the State of Pará; (b) Observatory of Information and Communication Technologies in Health Systems and Services of the State of Pará: analysis and systematization of technological resources used to support systems management for teaching workers in different contexts of SUS; (c) Polícia.Net Information Management Systems in the Military Police of Pará; (d) Project implementation of a sensor network for management of buffalo herds; (e) Diagnosis of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of companies installed in the Industrial Districts of the State of Pará; (f) Design of a database system that integrates the databases of the vaccination stations via Digital TV using as a return channel for the NavegaPará infrastructure; (g) Proposed cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Federal University of Pará in the areas of information and communication technology; (h) Installation of a solar pumping system with photovoltaic solar energy, with capacity for 18,000 liters / day, in the community of Pedra Grande / Cotijuba; (i) Installation of a photovoltaic system with 2 kW of installed capacity, for electrification of the community of Itancoã, in the Municipality of Acará (j) SYSTEM OF DECISION SUPPORT FOR PUBLIC SAFETY MANAGEMENT: INTELLIGENT SUPPORT FOR THE CONDUCT OF SCENARIO ANALYSIS AND INFERENCES, with funding from FAPESPA and in partnership with the Department of Public Security of the State of Pará. Given the context, the strong performance and social relevance that the PPGEE / UFPA plays in the Amazon region, not only in its productive sector, but directly in the civil society covered by the Program.
Context: Yearly, training of dozens of teachers from the various Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) operating in the region, which positively interferes with the overall process of training and technological qualification of the region covered by the PPGEE. They can be cited as examples of HEIs that have their qualified teachers / qualification by UFPA: UFRA, IFPA, UFAM, UFT, UNAMA, UEPA, CESUPA, IESAM, UFAP, UFOPA, ULBRA, IESPES and UNIFESSPA. In addition, the PPGEE trains professors for the UFPA's own staff in its various campi. Training of 400 masters and 100 doctors until 12/31/2013, being largely to operate in the Amazon region itself, which potentiates and accelerates the social, technological and economic development of the region.
Public: Private Companies, Mixed Economy, Teaching and Research Institutions.
Innovative experience:
(X) Yes () No
Funding / Incentive: CAPES, CNPq
Professional Interships
Currently, the institutionalization of professional internships is under discussion in the PPGEE Collegiate, especially for the masters level, even for the academic modality, extrapolating to the professional masters modality. Such strategy can be implemented due to the strong interaction that PPGEE researchers have with the companies that work in the region. There are basically two types of professional internship: 1. Direct action of the students in the parks of the companies, based on agreements signed with the PPGEE for this type of specific training. Some of these agreements are already in progress, notably in the areas of Telecommunications and Electrical Systems, such as ERICSSON and ELETRONORTE; 2. Development of collaborative solutions, from the research laboratories of the PPGEE, where both PPGEE researchers / students and professionals from the involved companies.