Academic Period - 2018.2

Registration: 01 a 17/08/2018

Re-Enrollment (Readjustment): 03 a 21/09/2018

Beginning of the Academic Year: 27/08/2018

End of Term: 14/12/2018 (16 weeks)

Consolidation of the Classes: 15/01/2019


Guidelines for Enrollment:

1. Enrollment must be done online through the Integrated Academic Activities Management System – SIGAA, except for new students.

2. Students who have completed all credits in the subjects must enroll in one of the defense activities (Dissertation, Qualification or Thesis).

3. Students already enrolled in previous semesters in defenses activities (Dissertation, Qualification or Thesis), must carry out the renewal of their enrollments in SIGAA.

4. Students with doubts in enrollment should seek the PPGEE Secretariat within the enrollment period.

5. Students who do not enroll to the semester will be automaticaly disconnected.


Offered Disciplines:

Disciplines Offered 2018.2 (PPGEE)

Disciplines Offered 2018.2 (PPGCC)