Article related to the thesis plan: A Low-Cost System for Measuring Lightning Electric Field Waveforms, its Calibration and Appliaction to Remote Measurements of Currents
Place: IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 60, nº 2, April 2018. ISSN: 0018-9375. Classification: A2
Advisor: Brígida Ramati Pereira da Rocha
Date: 23/01/2018
Article related to the thesis plan: “Robust Deccentralized Controller for Mininmizing Coupling Effect in a Single Inductor Multiple output DC-DC Converter Operating in Continuous Conduction Mode”
Place: ISA Transactions . ISSN: 0019-0578. Classification: A1
Advisor: Walter Barra Júnior
Date: 05/02/2018
Pré-Despacho de Carga em Usinas Termoelétricas considerando a gestão da manutenção via lógica Fuzzy
Article related to the thesis plan: “Maintenance Tools applied to Electric Generators to Improve Energy Efficiency and Power Quality of Thermoelectric Power Plants"
Place: Revista Energies (BASEL). ISSN: 1996-1073. Classification: B1
Advisor: Ubiratan Holanda Bezerra
Date: 27/02/2018
Article related to the thesis plan: “Solution to economic emission load dispatch by simulated annealing: case study"
Place: Electrical Engineering Qualis B1. ISSN: 0948-7921
Advisor: Marcus Vinícius Alves Nunes
Date: 27/02/2018
Article related to the thesis plan: “Analysis Using Knowledge Discovery in Databases with a Decision Tree Classifier"
Place: IEEE Access, v. xx, p. 1-1, 2017 . Classification: A2
Advisor: Maria Emília de Lima Tostes
Date: 27/03/2018
Article related to the thesis plan: “Analysis of the Brazilian Energy Efficiency Program for Electricity Distribution Systems"
Place: Energies (BASEL) – B1
Advisor: Maria Emília de Lima Tostes
Date: 27/04/2018
Efeito de Interferência Quântica no transporte eletrônico de Dispositivos Quasi-Unidimensionais
Article related to the thesis plan: “Electronic Signature of Single-Molecular Device Based on Polyacetylene Derivative"
Place: Journal of Computacional Electronics. Classification: A2
Advisor: Jordan Del Nero
Date: 03/05/2018
Article related to the thesis plan: “Development of a Computational Algorithm MoM 3D Applied in Nanoplasmonics"
Place: Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society-SBMO received 0 Month 2012; for review 0 Month 2012; accepted 0 Month 2012 Brazilian Society of Electromagnetism-SBMag © 2012 SBMO/SBMag ISSN 2179-1074. Classification: B1
Advisor: Karlo Queiroz da Costa
Date: 11/05/2018
Estratégia de Planejamento e Otimização do Handover em Redes Móveis Densificadas
Article related to the thesis plan: “Adaptive Hysteresis Margin Based on Fuzzy Logic for Handover in Mobile Networks With Dense Small Cells"
Place: IEEE Access – 12/03/2018
Advisor: Carlos Renato Francês
Date: 29/06/2018
Modelo híbrido baseado em séries temporais e redes neurais para previsão da geração de energia eólica (Waiting for printed version)
Article related to the thesis plan: Different Models for Forecasting Wind Power Generation: Case Study.
Place: Energies, vol. 10, pp. 1-27, 2017. ISSN: 1996-1073. B1
Advisor: Carolina de Mattos Affonso
Co-Advisor: Roberto Célio Limão de Oliveira
Date: 30/09/2018
Desempenhos Térmico e Energético de uma Edificação na Região Amazônica Brasileira (Waiting for printed version)
Article related to the thesis plan: “Application of Energy Conservation Measures and Their Impact on the Thermal-Energetic Performance of a Building in the Brazilian Amazon Region: A Case Study”.
Place: Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Publication Title History June, 2018, Volume 140, Issue 3. Issn: 0199-6231. A2.
Advisor: João Tavares Pinho
Date: 06/09/2018
Article related to the thesis plan: Optimizing tasks generation for children in the early stages of literacy teaching: a study using bio-inspired metaheuristics.
Place: Soft Computing. ISSN: 1432-7643. B1
Advisor: Ádamo Lima de Santana
Co-Advisor: Dionne Cavalcante Monteiro
Date: 14/09/2018
Aplicações de Controle Preventivo Baseadas em Árvore de Decisão para Aumentar a Capacidade de Sobrevivência a Afundamentos de Tensão dos Geradores de Indução Duplamente Excitados em Sistemas de Potência (Waiting for printed version)
Article related to the thesis plan: “Decision Tree-Based Preventive Control Applications to Enhance Fault Ride Through Capability of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
Place: Power Systems Energies” (B1- Eng. IV CAPES), Fator de Impacto 2.67
Advisor: Marcus Vinícius Alves Nunes
Date: 21/09/2018
O Desenvolvimento e Avaliação Empírica de um Simulador Educacional para o Apoio ao Ensino de ECQ Baseado na Orientação Espacial do Coração (Waiting for printed version)
Article related to the thesis plan: “Educational Software Applied in Teaching Electrocardiogram: A Systematic Review”
Place: BioMed Research International. 2314-6141. B1
Advisor: Carlos Renato Lisboa Francês
Co-Advisor: Marcos César da Rocha Seruffo
Date: 21/09/2018